Carrying on the popular theme of wine with food, we had another great wine and cheese evening this month with some outstanding cheeses and very drinkable wine combinations.
We started with a lovely, high quality and drinkable Prosecco with a
delicious Gran Padano cheese followed by a crisp, dry yet very aromatic and pleasantly floral Greek white with some melted halloumi. A lightly oaked yet bright and fresh Chardonnay paired well with a beautiful creamy brie and a fragrant and full-bodied Viognier with a very indulgent creamy and complex Delice de Crème!
On to reds and we enjoyed a very fruity rich Sangiovese with Taleggio:
Typically a mild creamy cheese with an unexpected pungent aroma. Then a
very drinkable fruity Grenache from the Barossa valley in Australia. It was
brilliantly paired with a hard goat’s cheese affectionately named “Rustic
Rachel” after a lovely lady who apparently shared personality traits with this cheese (sweet, curvy and slightly nutty – wish we could meet her!) and
topped with a dark cherry to match the notes of the wine. A 100% Cabernet
Sauvignon from Argentina made from grapes grown in the very sunny region of North Mendoza went very well with a delicious mature Cornish Quartz cheddar.
We rounded off the evening with a tawny port paired with a robust Barkham Blue, a lovely classic combination leaving us wanting even more despite having had SO much!
Thanks to the Committee for pulling together some delicious and well
matched combinations. All in all it was a very sociable and relaxed evening.
It’s great to see both regular and new faces at Wine Club.
Lastly, don’t forget the Wine Club logo competition! Entries to Ian in time
for May’s meeting.